

Per Year: Registration fee = Annual fee * Registration duration

Lifetime (Permanent Ownership):Registration fee = lifetime price


Domain registration Pricing

Special deals TLDs

4 and 4+ characters: $0.99/year, $3.99/lifetime

3 characters: $3.99/year, $9.99/lifetime

2 characters: 9.99/year, $19.99/lifetime

1 character: $19.99/year, $39.99/lifetime

Premium TLDs

4 and 4+ characters: $3.99/year, $15.99/lifetime

3 characters: $15.99/year, $39.99/lifetime

2 characters: $39.99/year, $79.99/lifetime

1 character: $79.99/year, $159.99/lifetime

Platinum TLDs

4 and 4+ characters: $15.99/year, $63.99/lifetime

3 characters: $63.99/year, $159.99/lifetime

2 characters: $159.99/year, $319.99/lifetime

1 character: $319.99/year, $639.99/lifetime:

TLD registration Pricing

5 and 5+ characters: $99/year

4 characters: $199/year

3 characters: $399/year

2 characters: $999/year

1 character: $3999/year

Last updated